Maidenhill, Newton Mearns: A Strategic Development Opportunity (SDO)

Site capacity

800+ units in total (315 Cala Homes & 105 Affordable Homes)


New primary school

New spine road

Affordable housing

Community facility land

Trunk road junction

Off-site sewer upgrade

Surface water management

Global earthworks

Our approach

Cala worked in partnership with Taylor Wimpey and East Renfrewshire Council to deliver planning consent for the main section of the Maidenhill Strategic Development Opportunity (SDO) that included the majority of the new homes (800+), the new primary school and the off-site sewer upgrade that unlocked the development potential of the wider SDO.

Whilst the site faced many challenges including time critical infrastructure and a Judicial Review, Cala worked with the Council to unlock the infrastructure constraints and realise the site’s development potential whilst ensuring an award-winning place of high quality. Cala’s proactive and partnership approach recognised the challenges in achieving the Council’s needs and aspirations and ultimately delivered these through an open and planning led approach.

Cala has delivered lifetime living through two bed apartments and three, four and five bedroom homes, meeting the varied needs of local house buyers. The site is now on the last phases of development demonstrating that sites of scale can be delivered within short timescales if the correct approach is taken.

Land to sell?

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